About Us
Our family immigrated to the United States from Italy in 1960. Mom and Dad came to Stowe Township with 7 children and no one spoke English. Family and community were very important to the hard working people in our Italian neighborhood. Although we had little in the way of financial and material possessions, we always had clean clothes and great food! Mom was an exceptional cook and loved to serve late night dinner to hungry high school football players after games. When we came in the door, Dad would wake Mom up to cook. We would hang out and eat at midnight sometimes. Great food was the centerpiece of the time together.
Our garden, grown out of financial necessity, included tomatoes, of course, a wide range of vegetables, and fig trees. Mom would can the fruits of our garden for use all year. At 1905 Eatery, you will likely meet Carmen, the first born of our family. His goal is to serve you food that is the freshest and finest quality available anywhere in the Pittsburgh area. Achieving that goal will make our food almost as good as Mom’s. You will have to join us to understand how good the food really is.

About Our Name

In the 1800s, this community was a race track owned by Mrs. Dohrman. Our building was a place to tie your horse and rest in an upstairs room. None of the buildings that were part of the race track had their own deeds at the time. Following is an entry from Ancestry.com about the sale of the racetrack.
On Oct 18, 1900, the McKee’s Rocks Driving Park, sold their property which included a race track, barns and other buildings. It listed David Shaw as the President of the Driving Park and C. J. Schultz Jr as Secretary. The race track sold their property for $60,000. It listed the members of the McKees Rocks Driving Park and the number of shares they owned.. Thomas Bryan (98 shares), David Shaw (110 shares), Wm Zinkham (191 shares), Frank Thomson (17 shares), Mrs. Rachel Bryan (2 shares), E. V. Wood (68 shares), John McKee, John Hamilton, and others. The deed was recorded Feb 11, 1901.
This sale layed the groundwork for the development of Stowe Township. The first building permits were issued in 1905.
1905 Eatery and Bakery seemed like a nice way to continually celebrate our community.
If you are interested in learning more about our community’s history, you may want to visit the following sites we found when casually researching.